A convention centre considered as a preeminent venue for weddings, annual day functions, corporate events, as well as private parties and functions. In the past few years, there has been a substantial rise in the number of people who have opted for convention centres rather over traditional venues like gardens for organizing private events like wedding ceremonies.

When talking about convention centres, by offering unmatched facilities and services to the guests, MLR Convention Centre has become a venue of choice for many.

Why should you choose the MLR Convention Centre?

MLR convention centre is one of the most sought-after venues for organizing several functions. It offers many valuable amenities to the organizers.

Here is why you should choose MLR Convention Centre:

• It is solely dedicated to events

The most noted feature of this convention centre is that it is solely dedicated to the purpose of the organizing events.

Where the hotels entertain a plethora of activities, a convention centre is a dedicated venue. The sole motive of establishing a convention centre is to provide a reticent venue to people for organizing grand events like wedding ceremonies.

The banquet halls at convention centres are large enough to accommodate hundreds of guests. The auditorium, with a capacity to seat more than 400 guests, can be used as a venue for annual functions.

• Perfect venue for corporate events in Bangalore

MLR convention centre is the perfect venue to host corporate events, as well as training events. The auditorium at the convention centre is large enough to seat 480 attendees.

The venue offers a serene environment that is totally free from distraction and disturbances.

• It offers privacy and exclusivity

The biggest problem with the wedding gardens and hotels is that they entertain two to three weddings at same time and this creates a lot of mayhem.

At MLR Convention Centre the organizers or hosts can expect privacy and exclusivity.

• It offers large space for private events

There are wedding halls in Bangalore that are way too expensive and lack in terms of basic facilities like ample space. On the other hand, MLR offers a large space to organize any private event like engagement, wedding ceremony, etc.

The convention centre also offers leisure facilities and is perfect to host all type of events in Bangalore.


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